Silversea: Galápagos 2022-2025

22 BASECAMP: A HUB OF DISCOVERY Connecting travellers with the destination Silver Origin’s hub of discovery, the heart of the ship, Basecamp is where you will prepare for your excursions, relax after returning, or just meet and socialise with your fellow travellers. The elegant lounge has been considered with guests’ social interaction in mind, and is among Silver Origin’s most innovative spaces. Having been specially designed to offer guests a chance to prepare for their next adventure, Basecamp connects to the ship’s Zodiac embarkation area—the Marina— and is the perfect meeting point for Zodiac excursions. The flow of incoming and outgoing guests, along with the excitement that is endemic to any Galápagos cruise, truly represents the synergy between destination and ship. Basecamp is also where guests can interact with educational activities and the onboard Expedition Team. These enthusiastic and educated individuals—more per guest than any ship in the region—are on hand to deepen your knowledge on the rare wildlife, amazing landscapes and captivating history of the Galápagos Islands. This means that your individual understanding of the flora and fauna of the archipelago is far richer and far more informed when experiencing the islands first-hand. The jewel in the crown of Basecamp is surely the large, interactive digital wall, controlled by a central podium—through which guests can access destinationrelated content. The programme is tailored according to your itinerary and offers access to informative material, including historical pictures provided by the Royal Geographical Society of London, videos with exclusive aerial and underwater shots, excursion previews and scientific presentations. Elsewhere, Basecamp’s fascinating artworks and historical artefacts will enrich your understanding of the Galápagos Islands’ history.