Silversea: Galápagos 2022-2025

18 Pinta Pinzon Tortuga The largest island of the archipelago, Isabela has five active volcanoes, including the imposing Volćan Sierra Negra, the second-largest caldera in the world. Cloud forests harbour giant tortoise sub-species and mangrove lagoons offer views of stingrays. ISABELA sq mi 1.790 The Galápagos’ first human settlement was set in Floreana. Post Office Bay is home to a barrel used for letters and news, exchanged between whalers and other boats passing by during XVIII to XIX centuries. Flamingos and green sea turtles nest on the island from December to May. FLOREANA sq mi 67 A pristine ecosystem, untouched by outside influence. The famous Flightless Cormorants inhabit this island, as do marine iguanas, pelicans, sea lions and fur seals. The active volcano “La Cumbre” forms the island and different types of lava flows can be compared. FERNANDINA sq mi 248 Bolivar canal Has the highest marine biodiversity of the archipelago. Whales, including orcas, can be seen here fromMay to December. 1535FIRST DISCOVERED The first recorded visit to the islands happened by chance in 1535, when Fray Tomás de Berlanga, the Bishop of Panamá, was surprised with this undiscovered land during a voyage to Peru. The first formal exploration of the islands took place in the XVIII century by the SpaniardMalaspina. 13 + 215 MAIN ISLANDS ROCKS & ISLETS The archipelago is located on the Nazca Plate, a tectonic plate which is moving at a rate of about 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) per year. The first islands to form here were the South Plazas, five million years ago. 1978WORLD HERITAGE UNESCO recognised the islands as a World Heritage Site and, in 1985, as a biosphere reserve. This was later extended in December 2001 to include the marine reserve. THE GALÁPAGOS AT A GLANCE Biological diversity, evolved over time